All Categories - The Quadra Villager

A grassroots group of concerned voters is calling on School District 61 to restore democratic...
In what has become an annual tradition, neighbours from across Quadra Village and the surrounding...
June 19, 2021 · Rachel Jampole,Politics,Photo by TJ Watt
Only 2.7% of British Columbia’s original productive old growth forests remain standing. So, what...
June 17, 2021 · Arts,Murals
Thanks to a grant from BC Arts Council's Community Arts Festivals program, local non-profit Alter...
After a pandemic-related hiatus due to having far too many small children, and not enough hands,...
After a summer without the usual festivals and community events, HQ Collective and Alter Arts...
June 9, 2020 · Politics
What do we mean by ‘defunding the police’? As I write this, the protests against police...
The Red Cedar Café, now operating out of the former Willie's Bakery storefront on Johnson Street,...
In a new initiative, the founder of Victoria's No-Touch Easter Egg Hunt, Jenn Baird is inviting...
April 26, 2020 · Poverty Kills 2020
On the morning of April 25th, the BC NDP announced their plans to close down tent cities at Topaz...
April 23, 2020 · Arts,Theatre,Vincent Gornall
During the summer of 2005, while I was working on an amateurish attempt at directing The...
On April 20, 2020, organizers from across the Capital region will come together to think about...
Editor's note: We are amplifying this message because, although we were unable to identify the...
This morning Victoria City Council considered a motion to declare a state of local emergency,...
Food security is on people's minds, and many folks are coming together to ensure a secure food...
It's planting time here in Victoria, and amid the pandemic people are finding creative ways to...
HQ Collective, a local grassroots advocacy organization in Hillside-Quadra, is reaching out to...
Victoria resident Jenn Baird has found a new way for kids and families to stay connected, while...
Dear friends and supporters, I am so warmed to see all of us coming together to support one...