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Art Festival Coming to Quadra Village

The Out There Art Festival is a new, distanced celebration of artists.

After a summer without the usual festivals and community events, HQ Collective and Alter Arts Society have found a way to connect us with local artists for some much needed culture and entertainment before fall sets in, and the kids head back to school. The Out There Art Festival is a new, physically distanced, interactive and community art festival taking place in and around Quadra Village from August 29 - Sept 7, 2020.

Festival organizers have created an interactive map featuring over 100 existing, new, and temporary art installations on display in public spaces, on balconies, in trees, and on lawns across the neighbourhood. With the help of the map, locals and visitors can re-discover the quirky eccentricity of Quadra Village, on their own time at their own pace, while respecting requirements for physical distancing. Performances from groups like Theatre SKAM, Roller Skate Victoria, Pacific Opera Victoria, and The Rising Circus will be also popping up across the neighbourhood during the festival, particularly on the two weekends.

A curated audio walking tour by local historian Vincent Gornall will feature a selection of existing art installations in Quadra Village. During the festival, community members will also be invited to share their hopes for the future of Quadra Village by creating and showcasing their own art where they live, sharing a pop-up performance of their own with the community, or by contributing to community art installations that they will find around the neighbourhood.

Artists have been especially hard hit financially by the COVID-19 pandemic, with the cancellation of the summer festival season, and events like the Moss Street Paint-In, which would have been in it's 33rd year. As a result many artists have been disconnected from both their audiences, and their income streams. "That's why we decided that the festival could not go ahead unless we could find a way to share any proceeds with artists," said Alter Arts Society Director, Jenn Neilson "we looked at successful models across the arts, and decided to adopt a Fringe Festival model, where anyone can submit art, and proceeds from ticket sales directly benefit artists."

The artists who enliven our communities need our support now, more than ever! All proceeds from ticket sales will be distributed to participating artists. "Just as the public has stepped up to support local businesses throughout the pandemic, we hope that the community will take this opportunity to show their support for local artists," Neilson stated. The more tickets are sold for the Out There Art Festival, the more funds Alter Arts Society will be able to give back to artists during these difficult times.

"People can feel good about supporting this new local festival," said Neilson "not only are they spreading joy, and building community at a safe distance, they are also supporting the local artists who have helped keep all of our spirits raised during the pandemic."

This community celebration in support of artists is being put on by Alter Arts Society and HQ Collective, a local neigbourhood organization in Hillside Quadra. As an outdoor, neighbourhood-based festival, the Out There Art Festival strongly encourages groups of people to get out together, at a safe distance, to explore and support arts and culture. Our community sponsors include the Bike to Work Society, Sidewalking Victoria, Resilient Neighbourhoods, and Walk On, Victoria have all signed on as community sponsors. If you would like to help spread the word, you can do so by RSVPing to and sharing the Facebook event with your friends.

Affordable, pay-what-you-can tickets to the Out There Art Festival are on sale now at